closed-circuit television

[ˈkləʊzdˈsɜ:kɪt ˈteliˌviʒən]
  • 释义
  • 闭路电视;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Madrid terrorist bomb video closed circuit television.


  • 2、

    The plant is operated entirely by remote control and monitored by closed circuit television or periscope.


  • 3、

    Company sets building intercom and closed circuit television surveillance equipment R & D , production and sales.

    公司集楼宇对讲及闭路电视监控器材的 研发 、 生产、销售为一体.

  • 4、

    Are closed circuit television cameras ( CCTV ) used to monitor the shipping dock and container loading areas?


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